caliban bookshop image Caliban Bookshop PO Box 86094 Wilkinsburg, PA 15221 telephone: 412 242 9040 facsimile: 412 242 9043

    Caliban Book Shop specializes in : Literary First Editions, Fine Arts, Poetry, Exploration & Travel, Americana, Philosophy, General Scholarly, Fine Press, and Leatherbound Editions

    Our Hours are: Monday-Saturday 11-5:30, Sunday 1-5:30 at our retail store located at 410 S. Craig St. in Pittsburgh, PA.

    (Click here for MapQuest directions)

    We are near the University of Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon University and the city's lovely art museum. We're located in a small shopping district filled with boutiques and restaurants, making for a nice promenade.

    Our Terms are: If you are interested in purchasing or finding out more about a book from our new releases section or online catalog please phone our warehouse. If no one answers, we will respond to your message promptly. We also check e-mail daily.

    Shipping: US Postal Service $6.00 Priority, $2.50 per each addtitional book. Overseas or oversized rate calculated at point of sale. Mastercard, Visa, Amex accepted. Checks with order. Books returnable for any reason within two weeks of receipt.

    We maintain a large open shop of 25,000 uncatalogued volumes including rare books (like the good old days), and a warehouse of over 50,000 volumes that comprises our on-line stock. Come visit when you're in town; we're open seven days a week and near other shops. We are members of ABAA\ILAB.

Caliban Bookshop (Warehouse)  PO Box 86094  Wilkinsburg, PA 15221   /  telephone: 412-242-9040  / facsimile: 412-242-9043
Caliban Bookshop (Retail)  410 South Craig St.  Pittsburgh, PA 15213   / telephone: 412-681-9111  / facsimile: 412-681-9113
email: [email protected]